29 / 07 / 2022 Maintenance restart

31.07.2022 - 20:35 Server time (+3 GMT) 
During restart all offline characters will be disconnected. All online characters will be reconnected.

26 / 07 / 2022 Ticket to ride

Drop for all event tickets was increased
Now tickets drops only from location monsters (No drops anymore from monsters on events)

Devil Square tickets - All maps
Chaos Castle tickets - All maps
Blood Castle tickets - Devias+
Doppelganger tickets - Iceland+
Imperial Guardian pieces - Ferea Kingdom+
Santa Village ticket - Devias, La Cleon, Iceland

Santa Village new boss and new special spots will be introduced next update

19 / 07 / 2022 July update activity

All Level Jewels replaced wih Jewel Bundles with Durability 1 (inventory should be more enjoyble now)
All event drops was increased
DS reward now drops Ancient Knowledge (item gives Level Up)

Currently this is only one server.