12 / 04 / 2022 No War

In support of the Ukrainian people in this difficult time, it was decided to direct 30% of the total income from purchases of Premium to the Funds of Support of Ukraine

Now we have loyal balance system between old and new players on server
Mouse Right click for use this item if your level enough.

If you have 5 Resets and top player have 37 Resets it means that you can use this item if your level equal or more then 400 - 37 + 5 = 368. So you can make level up just by right click Great Equalizer.

Welcome and enjoy!

Find special Flowers in our Mu world and get pieces to create a final quest item needed to complete quest.
Each item require 100 pieces.
Flowers have 1 second respawn after death in random place on map.
3 different types of flowers drops different pieces

Also Drop bonus event was replaced with Exp bonus event
Exp bonus hour gives 50% exp instead 20%

Currently this is only one server.