After a little rework Illusion Temple event is back!
All special skills for Illusion Temple removed.
Event time - 10 minutes
Added one more objective to earn scores
Max team players - 5 (totally 10 for event)
As before you need bring a Cursed Water to your camp for earn 1 Score also you can earn 99 Personal Points and gain 1 Score
As reward Winner team will receive 3 Ancient Knowledges and Looser team - 1 Ancient Knowledge
Book of Skill drop rate got huge increase from monsters in Temple
Next update you can check drop chance for all items on current location
About server restart will be announced later
Legendary Noosphere now can be upgraded to +15
From 0 to 5 you need 250 Gear Level Jewel Bundle for each grade
From 6 to 10 you need 250 Gear Level Jewel Bundle and 250 Weapon Level Jewel Bundle for each grade
From 11 to 15 you need 250 Gear Level Jewel Bundle, 250 Weapon Level Jewel Bundle and 250 Wings Level Jewel Bundle for each grade
In next update each level from Noosphere will give you +3% Resist Stun Rate